Monday, 26 December 2011

Boxing day review

With wind howling outside my front door and after returning from a windy trip in the North Sea I am happy to look back on some highlights and surprises of the year.
The sea temperature is defiantly increasing and that's the reason we are catching fish not normally associated with this coastline.Tuna have been caught locally and swordfish sighted of Blyth.The catches this year were mostly cod ,Pollock,mackerel, whiting, sole and just to round the year up Bass!!

There are some trips which stand out when the weather, light and tides offer opportunities like nothing else and when you can give a friend a  trip out it's hard to believe this is Not the Mediterranean but just off the coast of Amble. Coming in after the sun has set and the sea is calm is a nice way to round off a day.

But fish is only part of the menu and as you can see Virginia's carrots are nearly as big as the fish I catch!
It was a good year for mackerel! This is Nev the Morning star engineer catching his tea.
  Virginia was fishing three hooked trace of daylights going for mackerel when this surprise collie found the bottom hook much to everybodies surprise as it was janded with a thumb on the deck..

It then found its way into my frying pan

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